Thara Alarefi
Zine Cover Art by Thara Alarefi
CRT MIND is a zine made by students for the students at UAM. In CRT MIND, we focus on featuring students’ art and celebrating their creativity by putting their art in the zine. We chose to put them in zines specifically because zines represent creativity and an artistic way of expressing ourselves.
The art you submit could be anything and everything that you are proud of. We are accepting photographs, poems, drawings, music lyrics, sketches, fashion, jewelry, or anything you did that you would like everyone to see. The publishing of these zines will be monthly, and if we receive more art they will be weekly! The physical copies will be available in the main office at the front desk or in the library, or ask us, Thara, Egypt and Alex B. for a copy.
By the beginning of each month, there will be a Google Form sent to your email for you to submit your amazing art. The link will also be available on this website too. Don’t hesitate to submit your art now for a chance to get featured in ★ CRT MIND ★.