The people of the UAM community have conflicted responses when it comes to the double standards within the boys and girls of our school. These responses came after the story regarding “Double Standards at UAM”, which was published back in December of 2023, to bring awareness to those who express concern in how boys and girls are often treated differently from one another.

10th Grader Myles Victorio says, “Boys get harsher treatment when it comes to consequences and girls get let go easily.”
To contradict this statement, 10th grader, Milena Benmergui said.. “I don’t think that the boys and girls of this school are treated differently, I think that we’re all treated the same from what I have seen. Teachers and staff give students the same treatment regardless of the situation and if they’re a male or female.”

12th grader, Owen Marshall, was asked about his experience in the school and if throughout his time he has seen any indifference in the treatment regarding boys and girls. “I haven’t really seen anything too serious and it only depends on the teacher or staff member and what they want to do with the kid even if they’re a boy or girl.”

10th grader, Jocelyn Zaruma said “I think that everyone is treated equally and the school involves both genders in any school activities, the students and staff might have different opinions because of what they have to do in school but everyone should treat each other with respect at the end of the day despite anything.”
Overall, students and staff view and handle these situations differently because of their roles within the schools. We all should be able to feel respect on both sides and stability in how we’re treated.