It’s no secret that social media has become a staple of our daily lives, particularly for teenagers. But what does this mean for their mental health? Teens turn to social media for various reasons — self-expression, entertainment, and staying connected with others keep us captivated with platforms like Instagram and TikTok. However, when teenagers spend excessive hours bouncing from one social media site to another, the implications for their mental health could be at stake.
86.1% of the world’s population uses social media. Among teens aged 13-17, up to 95% are active on these platforms, and research suggests that youth who spend more than three hours a day on social media face twice the risk of mental health problems. While social media has undeniable benefits, it’s important to recognize when its use becomes excessive and detrimental to living a fulfilling life.
Studies consistently link high social media use with negative health outcomes, including anxiety, depression and body image concerns. While these platforms can foster social connection, research suggests inflated social media use broadly correlates with increased feelings of anxiety — though scientists say further research may be needed to properly understand its effects on youth and people of color.
This has led to a new phenomenon: assessing social media habits in mental health diagnoses. Researchers now advise mental health professionals to consider social media habits when developing treatment plans, which demonstrates how severe it could be if left unchecked. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 50% of teenagers believe that social media negatively affects their lives. Those findings indicate that social media is contributing to significant distress among young people. Similar local and foreign studies have reached the same conclusion: teens are concerned about the effects of social media on their mental health.
One reason social media can feel so addictive is that it operates like a digital slot machine, designed to manipulate your psychological desire for connection. Features like endless scrolling and personalized algorithms keep users glued to their screens. These patterns can profoundly affect adolescents, who are at a crucial stage of emotional and social development.
Many of the seniors I polled at UAM said they use Instagram and TikTok in their daily lives, with most indicating that they feel it harms their well-being. Some cited their consumption of negatively-messaged content, while others felt that endlessly scrolling can cause a constant change of emotions. One student expressed that social media’s effect is “Negative, It’s a lot of things that go around online, it affects people”, another said “More negative, too much negative comments on there that judge.”
So how can we limit our social media use if it starts to feel like a burden? There are many ways to limit these issues: setting time limits, deleting social media apps for a certain period, using app blockers or simply connecting with friends in person. For those who feel that their attention span is too short, watching longer forms of media like movies — or 15-minute videos, at a minimum — can allow you to learn about something valuable to apply to your daily life. It may be unavoidable to use social media sometimes, but… with reduced screen time you may find extra time to explore other activities, improve your focus, and genuinely enjoy the moments when you do engage online.