“Transformers: Rise of the Beast” is a movie that was released on June 9, 2023. The film blends science fiction with high octane action and daring adventure. It was made and directed by Steven Caple Jr.
The plot of the movie is about a guy named Noah Diaz looking for a job to help his little brother Kris who is sick. He tries to steal a Porsche with help from his friend. Unbeknownst to him, the Porsche he attempts to steal is actually an Autobot named Mirage. Meanwhile Elena, who works in a museum, finds a statue of a falcon. She accidentally breaks it to find a key which has an energy pulse that signals Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Arcee. After Noah and Elena meet each other and the Autobots, they are on a mission to find the Transwarp key so the Autobots can find their way home.”
As you already know, Mirage is one of the main characters and one of the Autobots that Noah met in the movie. He is funny, energetic and the things that he says sometimes sound unserious and silly. I would compare him with Ed from another movie “Good Burger” because Ed was a funny character and he helps his friend Dexter.
My thoughts on the movie
I recommend this movie because the movie was very fun to watch because of the out-standing fight scenes. The characters are amazing and the story was greatly written. There were some moments in the movie that were either shocking, comedic or heartwarming. I rate this movie 4 out of 5.